Saturday, 26 December 2015


objects or entities there can be existance of 4 dimensional entities or objects which human cant capable to reach or access ......!

Now placing and calling TIME as and dimensional entity which I have already explained in detail placement on -X-Y-Z axiz graph presentation is perfectly scientifically ,technically , physically possible.

Now abt 4 DIMENSION PLACEMENT AXIS on graph for TIME scientifically needs to be presented to shall enough realising TIME to be an OBJECT or entity but it might disorient the things if it might appears to be an object or entity. so shall human limitation life and living is 3 dimensional. But how TIME stopped for SUDHIR?............COMING update soon in next post ..!
Now what exactly happens when we watch movie ............lets say there some youtube video i searched and watching some bollywood song , now we can easily find the difference between 2 D and 3 D movie ............and every frame time span for that video moving we can watch the 2D or 3D video but moving time span we can just realize but cant see as like video considering it to be the 4 dimensional entity existence for that video perspective .

As per the Eisenstein theory of Dimension , there are 11 dimensions existence on planet earth 

Now Humans to be only live 3 Dimensional world accessibility ..............what was to 4-5-6-7-8-9-10 and 11 dimension levels existence and what exist there ? An Big Question for JAY_SAWAL thread !

Now if I consider TIME as 4 th Dimensional entity then Eisenstein E= MC(square) in which momentum is always inversely to speed .

Now If I move on mobike then due to mobile movement there as magnetic momentum got added with earth rotational momentum which is inversely proportional to the speed as well as CLOCK equipment is calculating the X-axis MOVEMENT called as not existence but existed 4th dimensional entity for me while double momentum movement of mine when I ride on mobike right !

So when i riding on mobike and my video to be captured by video camera the every second is an time frame as it called as Video movement of mobike movement now in this video the earth rotational movement is not captured but the momentum created due to earth got added to the video camera existence so I ride on mobike is having more momentum which is inversely proportional to the speed by which im riding on bike but video camera has got only earth rotational momentum with inversely proportional speed of earth .............and this has been an gap as per the Time frame calculation far as the dimensional perspective is concerned and time can be measurable and can realisation but entity. 

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